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JavaScript Date Object

The JavaScript Date object is used to create objects that store all the temporal values of a point in time, from its year to its millisecond. The methods of this object provide a great variety of ways to set and obtain values from that point in time.


You can create a new Date object using the constructor of the Date object in four different ways:

var myDate = new Date() /* Creates a new Date object specifying its point in time as the one of its creation. */

var myDate = new Date(milliseconds) /* Creates a new Date object specifying its point in time in milliseconds passed since January 1st 1970. */

var myDate = new Date(dateString) /* Creates a new Date object specifying its point in time by the information in a string. There are various possible patterns for the dateString string. */

var myDate = new Date(year, month, day of the month, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds) /* Creates a new Date Object specifying the temporal values of its point in time. All the parameters are numbers and the month must be a number from 0 to 11, zero being January and eleven being December. Only the year, the month, and the day of the month are required; the rest are optional.  */


getDate Returns the day of the month of the stored point in time in an integer number from 1 to 31.
getDay Returns the day of the week of the stored point in time in a number from 0 to 6, zero being Sunday and six being Saturday.
getFullYear Returns the year of the stored point in time with all its digits.
getHours Returns the hour of the stored point in time in a number from 0 to 23.
getMilliseconds Returns the milliseconds since the last second of the stored point in time in a number from 0 to 999.
getMinutes Returns the minutes of the stored point in time in a number from 0 to 59.
getMonth Returns the month of the stored point in time in a number from 0 to 11, zero being January and eleven being December.
getSeconds Returns the seconds of the stored point in time in a number from 0 to 59.
getTime Returns the quantity of milliseconds passed since January 1st 1970 until the stored point in time.
getTimezoneOffset Returns the difference in minutes between the universal time and the time in the host computer.
getUTCDate Returns the day of the month of the stored point in time according to universal time in a number from 1 to 31.
getUTCDay Returns the day of the week of the stored point in time according to universal time in a number from 0 to 6, zero being Sunday and six being Saturday.
getUTCFullYear Returns the year of the stored point in time with all its digits according to universal time.
getUTCHours Returns the hour of the stored point in time according to universal time in a number from 0 to 23.
getUTCMilliseconds Returns the milliseconds of the stored point in time according to universal time in a number from 0 to 999.
getUTCMinutes Returns the minutes of the stored point in time according to universal time in a number from 0 to 59.
getUTCMonth Returns the month of the stored point in time according to universal time in a number from 0 to 11, zero being January and eleven being December.
getUTCSeconds Returns the seconds of the stored point in time according to universal time in a number from 0 to 59.
getYear Deprecated. ¡Don't use it! It used to return the last two digits of a year but now it works in different ways in different browsers. The right way to get the year is with getFullYear.
setDate Sets the day of the month of the point in time stored in the Date object.
setFullYear Sets the year of the point in time stored in the Date object.
setHours Sets the hour of the point in time stored in the Date object.
setMilliseconds Sets the milliseconds of the point in time stored in the Date object.
setMinutes Sets the minutes of the point in time stored in the Date object.
setMonth Sets the month value of the point in time stored in the Date object.
setSeconds Sets the seconds value of the point in time stored in the Date object.
setTime Sets a point in time by the quantity of milliseconds passed since midnight January 1st 1970 universal time.
setUTCDate Sets the day of the month value of the point in time stored in the Date object according to universal time.
setUTCFullYear Sets the year value of the point in time stored in the Date object according to universal time.
setUTCHours Sets the hour value of the point in time stored in the Date object according to universal time.
setUTCMilliseconds Sets the milliseconds value of the point in time stored in the Date object according to universal time.
setUTCMinutes Sets the minutes value of the point in time stored in the Date object according to universal time.
setUTCMonth Sets the month value of the point in time stored in the Date object according to universal time.
setUTCSeconds Sets the seconds value of the point in time stored in the Date object according to universal time.
setYear Deprecated. ¡Don't use it! Use the setFullYear method instead.
toDateString Returns as a readable string the date of the point in time stored in the Date object.
toGMTString Deprecated. ¡Don't use it! Use the toUTCString method instead.
toISOString Returns as a readable string that complies with the ISO standard the date of the point in time stored in the Date object.
toJSON Returns as a readable string that complies with the JSON standard the date of the point in time stored in the Date object.
toLocaleDateString Returns as a readable string that complies with the local conventions the date of the point in time stored in the Date object.
toLocaleTimeString Returns as a readable string that complies with the local conventions the time of the point in time stored in the Date object.
toLocaleString Returns as a readable string that complies with the local conventions both date and time of the point in time stored in the Date object.
toString Returns a string containing the date and time of the point in time stored in a Date object.
toTimeString Returns as a readable string the time of the point in time stored in the Date object.
toUTCString Returns as a readable string in universal time both date and time of the point in stored in the Date object.
valueOf Returns the quantity of milliseconds passed since midnight January 1st 1970 universal time until the stored point in time.

Date Static Methods: Returns the quantity of milliseconds between January 1st 1970 and the current point in time.
Date.parse Parses a string that contains a date and time and returns the quantity of milliseconds passed since midnight January 1st 1970 until the point in time of the string.
Date.UTC Returns, for the provided date, the quantity of milliseconds passed since midnight January 1st 1970 universal time.

JavaScript Manual >> Date Object

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